Saturday, November 23, 2013

Anatomy of Extremism

There are many theories why people become an extremist,but the underlying principle is universal. Extremism is created in societies where there are signs of desperation, poverty and social turmoil. Such human conditions often create susceptibility to feelings of intense emotions that are transformed into words that signify hostility, aggression, and hatefulness toward a perceived or imagined enemy. Similarly,the individual has patriotic pride,is egotistical,has unquestioning devotion to such beliefs with religiously inspired convictions. Because of the intensity of such feelings, there are no middle-of-the-road emotions. This form of black and white reasoning (cognitive simplicity) has no or little consideration of moderate, more complex, or more abstract reasoning. Small but important distinctions of meaning get lost and quick and easy distinctions such as "our side is good" and "their side is bad" are adopted. Consequences of having such thoughts lead to a drastic shift toward simplicity and emotional extremism. As a result, society is subjected to one more unit of polarization and dysfunction when such extreme speeches and behaviour is put into practice. Extremism and it's connection to mythology In prehistory the formation of myth began with cosmology which is the belief in the formation of the universe created through visual symbols, poetry, and in its earliest forms of sacred tales, chants or epics through music. The myths are not "explanations" but resonant re-creations that echo the original creation. The power of creation myth can be found in its' magical, poetic,visionary or psychological potential. Mediation and visualization based on creation mythology does not require belief in the truth. The continuity of creation mythology can be found if the sequences of the myth involves coming into existence out of the void and then setting out certain definitions of space(location), life and time within the newly defined field of awareness (being),are followed through carefully. Creation myths have a regenerative and insight-bestowing effect upon groups or individuals who use them actively in their imagination. For example, if we imagine the creation of the world we can re-balance ourselves. As all myths come from oral tradition, from tales or chants told aloud, the same exercises are nothing but a modern restatement of the ancient art of empowered or mystic story-telling. We need only recall how powerful story telling can be by remembering our childhood and how effective fairy tales can be.

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