Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Homelessness and addiction need as much help as possibe

There are times, when for some people there is nothing but hopelessness, rejection and depression. That's when compassion and sincerity should click in but, many well-off people see only junkies, unmotivated, and useless stereo-typical individuals.
However, there's always an opportunity for those who are destitute. All you need is faith in yourself and determination to grow. A patient once told me "I'm down so low there's no place to go but up."
The most important thing is to have a life-line. How can you go to for help or support? This might include a friend, family member such as a sibling, cousin, parent, best friend, church member, priest, or anyone you can trust.
One way to cope with homelessness and addiction is to spend more time thinking about taking charge of your life; such as believing in yourself instead of listening to others who are only interested in manipulating you for their own purpose at your expense.
Another way is embracing the prayers of religion.
The following is a little story about the Patron Saint of Homeless people.

                              Saint Benedict Joseph Labre

                                                        Patron Saint of Homeless People
Saint Benedict Joseph Labre was born on March 26,1748, and the eldest of 18 children. At age 16 he gave up his desire to study and became a pilgrim. Living off donations of food, he wore the rags of a bagger and shared his food with the poor. In Rome he lived in the Colosseum where he was called the bagger of Rome. On April 16, 1783 he dragged himself into a church in Rome and prayed four hours before he collapsed, dying peacefully in a nearby house. Immediately after his death the people proclaimed  him saint.
Benedict Joseph Labre was canonized by Pope Leo VIII in 1881.
His Liturgical Feast Day is April 16. 
The Benedict Joseph Labre Prayer

Saint Benedict Joseph Labre, you gave up honor, money, and home for love of Jesus. Help us to set our hearts on Jesus and not on the things of this world. You lived in obscurity among the poor in the streets. Enable us to see Jesus in our poor brothers and sisters and not judge by appearances. Make us realize that in helping them we are helping Jesus. Show us how to befriend them and not pass them by.
Saint Benedict Joseph Labre, you had a great love for prayer. Obtain for us the grace of persevering prayer, especially adoration of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Saint Benedict Joseph Labre, poor in the eyes of men but rich in the eyes of God, pray for us. Amen
                                                      ST. BENEDICT JOSEPH LABRE